Tag: History

The Enigmatic Voynich Manuscript

The Voynich Manuscript is one of the most hopeful and yet perplexing unsolv...

  • Jim

The Ugly Wife - Anne of Cleeves

Anne of Cleeves was much maligned by her long game played out well.

  • Jim

In 1184 AD, Some 60 Nobles Of The Holy Roman Empire Plu...

In the year 1184 AD, some 60 nobles of the Holy Roman Empire met their unti...

  • Jim

Cigarette Companies Hired Suffragettes To Sell 'Torches...

After WWI, many women had started smoking while simultaneously taking up mo...

  • Jim

7 Widely Believed Historical Facts That Are Not True

Black death, discovering America and more

  • Jim

The Birth of Vlad The Impaler

The Battle That Left 23,884 People Impaled and Gave Birth To Vlad The Impal...

  • Jim

The Children of the 7 Most Powerful Nazi Leaders

What happened to the offspring of some of the evilest people in history?

  • Jim