The Rainforest
The Rainforest
Rainforests are disappearing from our planet at an alarming rate - we lose landmasses as large as Panama every year

The world's most expensive coffee is made from coffee beans picked from elephant dung. Coffee beans are fed to the elephants in the rainforests of Thailand, then collected and cleaned after the 15-30 hours it takes for them to pass through the elephant’s system. The Black Ivory Coffee costs about $500 per pound, which equals around $50 per cup.

20 percent of the world’s fresh water supply is located in the Amazon Basin

Rainforests have been around for tens of millions of years, making them our planet’s oldest living ecosystem.

It is estimated that more than 30 million plant and animal species live within the rainforests.

There are 225 species of amphibians found in Amazonia alone.

70 percent of all plant species deemed “useful” in cancer treatment are only found in rainforests.

The forest floors are almost completely dark, with only about one percent of available sunlight making it through the tree canopy.

Rainforests have been called the lungs of the earth, but this is inaccurate. In reality, rainforests produce around 20 percent of the world’s oxygen, while ocean microorganisms produce the other 80 percent.

Rainforests help regulate weather patterns and temperature, keeping the world’s climate in check.

Though rainforests only cover roughly 7 percent of the Earth’s dry land surface, they are home to more than 50 percent of all animal and plant species.

More than 25 percent of medications used worldwide today originated in rainforests

Rainforest deforestation has led to the highest extinction rate in history: An average of 137 rainforest plant and animal species are exterminated every day.

50 million indigenous people call rainforests home, and deforestation is responsible for the depletion of much of their food.

Rainforests are one of the Earth’s primary carbon sinks. A carbon sink is any region that absorbs more carbon than it releases.

If deforestation continues at its current rate, all the world’s rainforests will be lost within 40 years.

There are more freshwater fish in rainforest waterways than anywhere else on Earth.

There are many bird species which migrate to rainforests for the winter; many travel 3,000 miles or more to get there.

Rainforest land is not good for farming. Once cleared, the poor soil quality can only sustain crops for 1-2 years, leaving a nutrient free and virtually useless piece of land.

The Amazon rain forest spans approximately 3.4 million square miles — about the same surface area as Western Europe.

Around 80 percent of the natural foods we eat originated in rainforests, including rice, tomatoes, potatoes, bananas, black pepper, pineapples, corn, coffee, and chocolate.

Annually, rainforests can get anywhere from 75-260 inches of rain. At the high end, that is more than 21 feet of rainfall.

Antarctica is the only continent devoid of rainforests.

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