
Trapped in black and white, historical figures often seem just that — historical. But colorized portraits remind us that these famous people from the past were real human beings with hopes, fears, and dreams. However, adding color to historical photos is easier said than done.
Harry Houdini

Born Erik Weisz in 1874, Harry Houdini soon made a name for himself as a master escape artist. By the 1890s, the Hungarian-American performer was already wowing crowds with his ability to escape from terrifying situations.
In one of Houdini's most famous tricks — called "Chinese water torture cell" — the magician locked his ankles into a frame and dangled his body headfirst above a tank of water. Then, he was lowered into the tank — as the frame locked to the top of the cell. Houdini then used his signature skills and tricks to miraculously escape unharmed.
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